Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Quick Tips On How To Pack For Italy!

"Those who travel best, travel light."

So now that you have probably researched Italy and all of the amazing places that you will visit, it is time to think about what to take with you. Depending on what the season is that you are visiting in, it will make a difference on what to pack. We will start with all of the general things to take, and then talk about clothing for Italy in specifically late spring/early summer. This is one of the best times to visit Italy, as it is warm enough to visit the seaside, but not yet too hot to spend all day walking the cities.

Essentials!!!! Your passport has to go with you on your trip....I mean how else are you planning to
even get on the plane? That being said, you will also want a copy of your passport that you can keep separate from your original in-case of theft or losing yours. Along with your passport, you will want to have a copy of your insurance information for any visit that you might need to a doctor, or for an emergency situation. It is also highly suggested to have a card that you keep with emergency numbers on it so that you can stay in contact with people easier. Always have an extra type of payment with you on your trip. It is not a fun to eat or purchase something and then find out that your bank isn't letting your card go through overseas yet. A converter will be essential to be able to charge any electronics that you will take on your trip. Italy uses a different voltage then the US, so it could destroy some of your electronics to use the plug-ins without one. Lastly, a good piece of luggage will be a tremendous benefit on your trip. Many times you run into cobblestone streets, so be wary of suitcases with wheels that will break off easy. Many people in our group had dufflebags that you could carry on your back and they seemed to work out fantastic! A water bottle is also a great idea. In many places in Rome there were public fountains to fill them up at so you don't have to spend money on water...even in restaurants you have to buy it by the bottle.

Other things to make sure to have with you include travel size never know what will happen with luggage and airlines. Don't worry so much about taking a hairdryer, as most places you stay will have one, or you can pick one up for cheap. Also, for women make sure that your purse zips. Cross-body purses are best, and more secure, due to pick-pocketing in some of the larger cities.

Now onto clothes. In the late spring/early summer Italy has amazing weather! Depending on where you are at in the country, you can travel from seaside to city center and be able to enjoy a vast amount of time outdoors. For the seaside places pack a swimming suit. Many Italian beaches are more relaxed than in the United States, so don't worry about trying to find one that fits exactly right...since it seems to be a dauntingly impossible task anyway. You will not see many Italians in sweats, so although you can take a pair to lounge around in, make sure not to overdue that aspect of your wardrobe.

Accessories are a big thing in Italy; therefore, make sure to pack some scarves and such. Don't fuss over taking tall high heels, as the cobblestone streets will become unbearable to try and walk long distances on. Sandals and comfortable walking shoes are definitely a much better use of space...not to mention they will save your feet from throbbing after all the walking to see the beautiful sites. A cocktail dress is definitely a plus to have in-case anything fun comes up that you have to dress up for.

Shorts are not a norm in Italy like in other places. Tourist are easy to spot in their shorts walking around the cities. Taking a pair or two for those hot days is fine, but know that to blend in you will want more long pants and/or skirts.

If you are planning to visit any religious sites while in Italy, which I highly recommend, make sure to have clothing that will cover your knees and shoulders. Many places, such as St. Peter's, will turn you away if you are not dressed appropriately.

Don't forget that you can always hand wash your clothes or go somewhere to do laundry. Also, who doesn't want to go shopping in Italy? You can always buy more clothing while you are there if you find a need for a certain outfit you didn't bring. Over packing only drags down your trip. Plus, you will want to leave room for all of the awesome souvenirs you buy to take home with you!

Of course, don't forget your sunglasses and camera...the memories that you will make are going to be amazing stories that you can tell for the rest of your life!

Esplora il mondo! (Explore the world!)


  1. I definitely agree that it is important to only pack the essentials but that can get really difficult so I appreciate your reminders. Also since I have never been out of the country it's nice to know what to bring, especially my passport!

    1. Ya I always used to end up over-packing! Copies of your passport are super important in case of theft or losing your luggage :)
