Thursday, March 26, 2015

Famous Stories of Italy: Storybook Places to Visit

"Prove yourself brave, truthful, and unselfish, and someday, you will be a real boy" -The Blue Fairy, Pinocchio  

Many places in Italy look as though they came straight from a fairy tale....stunning scenery and stories going on all around. In fact, many famous fairy tales and stories do have the honor of taking place in this country. Here we will look at perhaps two of the most famous in the world, which both took place in Italy. These are the stories of Pinocchio and Romeo and Juliet. Both of these stories are commonly known throughout the world, and are still highly regarded and celebrated in the Italian culture and cities. You can visit many places that preserve these stories on your Italian travels, continuing to add another page to your own adventure.

Many people know of the Disney adaption, and movie, of the story of Pinocchio (1943). The original tale is one of the most famous stories throughout all of Italy, and around the world. Pinocchio was written by Carlo Lorenzini, who took on the pen name of Carlo Collodi. A quick recap of the takes place in Italy where a man named Geppetto creates a wooden marionette puppet boy. This boy, known as Pinocchio, is searching to achieve real boyhood. Pinocchio's nose grows whenever he lies (which has become a very common thing for parents to tell their kids will happen to them if they lie, comparing it to Pinocchio). In this story, there are many other characters as well. Many of the themes center around honesty and listening to your conscious.

Even over 130 years after its origination, on July 7th, 1881, Italy is still very proud of this story and celebrates it to this day. The story was originally published as La Storia di un Burattino (The Story of a Marionette), and then made into the commonly known book The Adventures of Pinocchio two years after. Many places in Florence have been found to be influentially connected with the book, so you can see the influence and celebration of the story throughout the city. While in Rome, we saw some stores that were solely dedicated to this famous fairy tale, and even had our pictures taken with some cutouts and replicas of the character.

The main Pinocchio attraction is in the town of Collodi, Tuscany, named after the author of the story. There is a park in this town that draws in over 200,000 visitors from around the world every year. The park is full of statues and commemorations of the story around all corners. It brings in the different scenes from the book, and captures the imagination. In the park also resides the tallest wooden statue of Pinocchio in the world. People of all ages love to visit this area, so it is a great place to take children as well! The park is open everyday from 8:30 to sunset, and costs only a small fee to enter. Many times in this small town, you can find additional different variations of celebrations revolving around the story and its creator.

Pinocchio has stood for over a century as one of the most well-revered fairy tales of all time. The Italian culture incorporates this ageless story into its history, and is very proud of it. Make sure to visit all of the fun places that incorporate the story of Pinocchio...but make sure not to tell a lie while you are there or your nose might grow :)

Romeo and Juliet
Almost everyone knows the story of Romeo and Juliet, as it is one of the most powerful love stories in history. It is the Shakespearean story of two star-crossed lovers who die for each other when they are forbidden to be together; thus, after the deaths of their children, reconciling the two feuding families. This story takes place in Verona, Italy and has made the city a very popular attraction.

Verona is roughly two hours from Venice and Milan, with about 265,000 residents. The city is a sought after tourist attraction, where visitors succumb to the romantic setting of Romeo and Juliet. In Verona, for only a few euros you can stand on the balcony that Juliet was on as Romeo declared his love for her. This balcony is a main focal point of the story, and thousands of people walk out onto it every year. You can also touch the bronze statue of Juliet in the courtyard, as it is said to bring you luck with love. These attractions are located at the House of Juliet where the real-life family, known as the Cappello family, lived.

Another interesting attraction that revolves around the tale of Romeo and Juliet in this city are the thousands of letters that come from around the world addressed simply to "Juliet, Verona, Italy." Volunteers take time to respond to the people who send these letters. You can visit the wall where hundreds of letters are attached and left to Juliet, as it is an awe to see. This wall has been introduced into even more fame recently with the movie Letters to Juliet.

The city of Verona is said to be one of the most romantic in the world, as you constantly feel like you are surrounded with beautiful stories of love.

Whether you are in the mood for a fairy tale-like atmosphere, or a romantic day in Verona, Italy has many places for you to visit. The stories behind these attractions are known throughout the world as some of the best, and most prominent, of all-time. Make sure to check out these amazing attractions on your trip to Italy!

"Life is a fairy tale. But to see it, you must open your eyes." - Olianna Port

Please feel free to leave comments or suggestions :)


  1. It's an awesome experience how these famous stories are so openly displayed and open to the public. Not only are they famous, but they also teach life lessons that are applicable to everyone, and seeing the settings which inspired the authors adds a lot to the interpretation of the story.

    1. I agree! It is so interesting to see how integrated they are into the culture.
